Tasbeeh as per Quraan
"Tasbeeh" is one of the most misunderstood concept of Quran. Its a common observation to see muslims carrying around a long string of bead which they call "tasbeeh" or prayer bead.They keep uttering some arabic words and counting on this bead and think its a nobel deed. Its not only muslims, other religions also have adopted this practice. Rather when we examine the history we find that this practice was initiated by Bhudhist and christians monks which was later adopted by muslims when Islam entered Iran. So its an other gift of "Iranian conspiracy". When muslims visit Makkah for "hajj" they come back with these beads and give as a present to friends and family.Its strange the land which hosted the world's most revolutionary and dynamic movement has become home to the rotten religion. "Tasbeeh" occurs in Quran many times. It literally means " to strive hard to accomplish something" or " to go far to achieve the goal", "Subhun" mean swimmer, " Assabb'baho" is a term for the best swimmer or a speedy horse. Therefore in Quraanic terminology "tasbeeh" can be interpretted as to strive hard, or spend all the energies and abilities to complete the Quraanic programe.Lets see what Quran tells us about Tasbeeh Everything in the universe is busy in Tasbeeh.
Surah 57 is named "Al-Hadeed" The Iron and the very first ayah talks about tasbeeh----- does not it make clear what kind of tasbeeh Allah wants form us,--- Iron is used in the manufacturing of weaponary and all kind of industry. People who deals with iron work hard and toil day and night, they dont sit in a cornor and recite words or phrases on the pieces of iron rather work at least 8 hours shift to make the iron benificial for the humankind and also to make weapons to guard their nations against the invaders.It was men in "Khaki" equipped with G-3's and mortors who gave their lives to stop the enemy at the other side of BRB canal and prevent them to enter Lahore in 1965 and not the mullahs playing with beads at Jamia naeemia. That was tasbeeh what these men in khaki were doing to protect their country. A mettalergist sitting in the A Q Khan laboratories at Kahoota was doing doing trasbeeh when he was working day and night to find the ways to smash the atom to produce energy which could be used to defend the country and light up the dark nights of remote villages. Men risking their lives in the hostile valley of kashmir to rescue the earthquake victims were doing tasbeeh. QXP 2nd edition 57:1 All things in the heavens and the earth are working relentlessly to fulfill the Divine Plan. And He is the Almighty, the Wise.did anyone see any planet or star holding on to a string of beads??????????NOw i'm presenting the frist ayah of surah al-Hashr along with the author's note which will also explain what tasbeeh is Surah 59 – AL-Hashr – The Gathering [Author’s note] This is the 59th Surah of the Qur'an and it has 24 verses. The title refers to the gathering of forces and peaceful exile in 4 Hijrah (627 C.E.) of the Jewish tribe of Bani'n Nadhir at Khaibar near Madinah. They were banished from there after they had repeatedly violated the peace treaties they had signed with the exalted Prophet. They kept joining hands with the Makkans, the hypocrites and some clans attempting to annihilate the believers. With 600 camels laden with their belongings, the tribes were allowed to migrate peacefully to any place of their choosing and thereupon they relocated themselves in Syria. Whenever we reflect upon the Book of Allah in all sincerity, we cannot fail to perceive the Truth of this Divine allegory: “Had We sent down this Qur’an upon a mountain, you would have seen it humble itself and rent asunder from the Awesomeness of Allah.” (59:21).
With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness. 59:1 All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth is incessantly working to manifest the Glory of Allah and to fulfill His Plan. For, He is Almighty, the Wise.
Its in the backdrop of a dynamic event, people striving to bring peace in the land and propagating the Divine plan practically using thier hands and feet and all other faculties. You dont see anyone holding a string of beads here either.
59:24 He is Allah, the Supreme Creator, the Shaper out of nothing, the Designer. His Names are the Most Beautiful Names, and His alone are the Attributes of Perfection. All things in the heavens and the earth constantly work to manifest His Glory and to fulfill His Plan. And He is Almighty, the Wise. (He runs the Universe in His Infinite Power with His Infinite Wisdom).
If we go back a coupleof ayah we see Allah swt is describing his attirbutes such as knower of all secret and open, instant and sustaining source of mercy and kindness, the peace and the source of all peace,guardian of faith and security,the watcher over all things-------- the tasbeeh would be to develop these qualities in ourselves, ofcourse there are limitation of being a humanbeing but this is the divine plan and we have to do our part. Sitting in isolation and playing with bead string can not make anyone powerful or knower of anything whats open or hidden. It also takes efforts to establish peace and provide security.
61:1 All things in the heavens and all things in the earth are constantly working to manifest the Glory of Allah and to fulfill His Plan. For, He is the Almighty, the Wise.lets go to ayah 4 61:4 Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in columns as if they were a rock solid wall. This explains whats tasbeeh of a momin. No string of beads here. Its men of faith connected with the string of faith standing in the face of death and striving to establish His Law.62:1 All things in the heavens and all things in the earth strive to manifest the Glory of Allah, the King Supreme, the Impeccable, the Almighty, the Wise
In the very next ayah we see how this tasbeeh is taking place, its through the devlopment of personality ( Tazkeeyah) and establishment of Allah's rule in the earth.
64:1 All things in the heavens and all things in the earth relentlessly strive to fulfill Allah’s Plan, and manifest Allah’s Glory. To Him belongs the Supreme Kingdom, and all Universe is a living witness of His Praise. The Universe itself displays that He is Able to do all things. He is the Powerful Appointer of His Laws and of due measure of all things.
24:41 Do you not realize that Allah, He it is Whom all beings in the heavens and the earth glorify, and the birds, with their wings outspread, as they fly in columns. All of them know their SALAT and TASBEEH (mission and strife). Allah is Aware of what they do to fulfill His Plan.
So tasbeeh is to work on a mission and everything in the heavens and the earth and in between is busy doing tasbeeh beside humanbeings. Every thing has its own mission and its working to accomplish it. When was the last time when someone saw a bird holding a string of beads in his beak.Our knolwedge is limited and we may not know whats the plan other creatures are persuing. We have known somewhat but still there is lot to learn.
17:44 All the seven Highs and their Lows, and all beings in them are working His Plan, displaying that He is Praiseworthy. All creatures are playing their role in the Universe. In your present state of knowledge, you do not understand their exact modes of action. Allah, the Clement, the Absolver of imperfections, sustains and maintains them in Order.
After the glad tidings of a son Syedna Zachriya was told to continue with his daily plan except not to talk to anyone for 3 days.
3:41 Thankful, Zechariah asked, “My Lord! Give a message unto me.” He said, “The Message unto you is that you shall not speak to people for three days, except by signs. Remember your Lord much and keep striving in His Cause night and day.” (Abstaining from speech would save the elderly couple from embarrassing curiosity of people).
Syedna Zachriya asked his deputies to conmitue working towards their mission day and night--- tasbeeh.
19:11 Then Zachariah came out from the shrine and told his deputies by signs, “Keep striving in your mission morning and evening that his Glory be manifest to beholders.”
When Syedna Musa A recieved the command to go to Pharoh he asked Allah SWT to make his brother his helper, so that they could together work fro the mission.
20:25 Moses said, “My Lord! Expand my chest with confidence, courage and steadfastness. (94:1). 20:26 Give me the strength that the formidable challenge becomes easy for me. (94:5). 20:27 Make me eloquent of speech. 20:28 That my word reaches the depths of their hearts. 20:29 And appoint a deputy for me from my folk. 20:30 My brother Aaron. 20:31 Strengthen me with him. 20:32 Make him my partner in my Mission. 20:33 That both of us strive hard together. (Nosabbaihaka) 20:34 And we raise every step remembering Your Commands. 20:35 It is a great feeling that You watch us every moment."
Syedna Sulaimaan along with other tribal leaders was doing Tasbeeh.
21:79 We gave Solomon great understanding of the affairs of the state, and each of them We endowed with wisdom and knowledge. We made the most powerful tribal leaders loyal to David, and they fully complemented his efforts. The strong tribe of At-Taeer and the common citizens were supportive of him. It was We Who did all these things. (Yusabbehna) And a wise man told them to strive hard in the way of Allah.
68:28 Said the most balanced among them, "Did I not tell you – why did you not work aright (thinking of the poor)?" (‘Sabh’ = Swim in strides = Work hard = Labor for a noble cause).Momineen are ordained to struggle day and night to fullfill His plan and this will bring them out from darkness and open the way to Light.
33:42 And strive to establish His Glory on earth morning and night (48:9). (wa sabbayho)Momineen proclaim that they will remain steadfast,strive hard to establish his Divine laws and they call themselevs "Musabbaihoon"
37:164 The sincere servants say, “Each one of us has an assignment. 37:165 And, behold, we are soldiers in ranks. 37:166 And, verily, we, yes we are they who strive to establish His Glory on earth. (‘Sabh’ = Swim with long and strong laps and strides. It is not the rolling of the rosary-beads or to hymn some words).
This is "Tasbeeh" according to Quran, prayer beads belongs to Bhuddism and Christianity, to religion. The priest wants people to remain ignorant inorder to achieve his interests. For this he comes up with plans, prayer bead is one of those evil plans which causes hault to the movement of thought.
Religion is made to focus on personal salvation, the Quranic system is focussed on social salvation by creating the best society for all people, Muslim or no Muslim, so mankind will develope towards self-actualisation and will attain Jannah, Paradise in this life and the next.
By Taseer Cheema